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Cash Flow

Special Situations | Distressed Turnaround, Restructuring & Insolvency

Our cash flow forecasting and modelling enables business leaders to understand clearly their long-term and short-term cash position, movements financing requirements and how the key drivers and levers for cash flow in their business might be used to navigate challenging and critical periods.

The global pandemic and other recent de-stabilising events have demonstrated how unknown and unpredicted shocks can quickly place intense pressure on business leaders across all industries to carefully manage their cash position in order to navigate a period of great uncertainty or difficulty. For businesses that have seen consistent profitability, focus on cash flow may instead be required where investment opportunities arise which need to be carefully embarked upon.

While it is not always recognised until such circumstances make the need apparent, professionalised cash flow management through accurate modelling and forecasting is an enormous strategic asset. Confidence over cash flow control enables the management of businesses to move decisively in response to arising threats and opportunities thereby greatly increasing the range and quality of options available to them to exploit for maximised value creation or retention.

Tunneys are experts in providing comprehensive financial models and cash flow forecasting that can be utilised by business managers for a range of purposes including:

  1. Regular operations management
  2. Scenario planning / resiliance preparation
  3. Strategic options analysis
  4. Investment fund raises for growth and value creation
  5. Anticipating debt re-financing requirements for recovery

We have experience working with CFOs across a variety of industries to help them respond more quickly and decisively to emerging financing needs and investment opportunities where time is of the essence. Our diverse expertise enable us to support business leaders in identifying and preparing for a range of strategic opportunities and threats at the earliest possible time and to thereby manage their business and resources more effectively. We do this by working closely with finance and operational teams to translate their accounting and more specialist business data into near live-time forecasting and business intelligence (BI) dashboarding tools.

How we help

Bespoke Financial Modelling

Our cash forecasts are based on fully bespoke financial models that account for the precise details of the business and its future plans based on input from a range of stakeholders

Near Live Data

While many Finance and FP&A teams compose reports based on data that is out of date and with compromised data integrity, we provide automated data models that provide high integrity near live time modelling and reports.

Scenarios & Levers

We understand how to work with CFOs to tailor model controls and levers to reflect how they manage their business

Flexibility & Robustness

We are dedicated professional financial modellers and use best in class practicess to ensure that models remain simple, clear and flexible to changes as situations and plans evolve

Finance, Accounting & Tax

We are chartered accountants, experienced in working with senior finance teams and specialists to ensure our modelling accurately reflects any key technical aspects of the business

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