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Supporting the CEO of a distressed c£300m Global Retail PLC through a critical juncture


Supporting the CEO of a distressed c£300m Global Retail PLC through a critical juncture

June 14, 2024

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought about a period of great uncertainty and trading difficulty facing the Retail Industry both in the UK and around the globe. At a time where a number of well-known Retail brands face closure due to mounting environmental pressures, the necessity for clear and timely performance data, cash flow forecasting and strategic modelling is becoming increasingly clear to CEOs.

The Credential

Tunneys worked with the management team and external advisors of a well-known retail PLC to determine the funding requirements and optimum responses to COVID-19 and global lockdown.

How We Helped

In the run up to the COVID-19 pandemic RetailGroup* had observed a period of trading distress across a number of its diverse portfolio companies. In the wake of the pandemic, the group contracted Tunneys to establish the potential outlook for the group going forward against a variety of possible scenarios and to determine the key levers for strengthening their position.

Tunneys worked with the management team to build a comprehensive financial forecast for the group of companies spanning its diverse range of activities and consolidated balance sheet. Accounting for a broad range of potential risks and scenarios posed by a board of external advisors Tunneys provided a basis for forecasting cash flow upon which strategic decisions could be made. This process underpinned a significant corporate restructuring and sale of RetailCo to a major global investor.

Value Delivered

Dynamic predictive analytics for forecasting cash flow and financial position based on a variety of strategic options;

Providing a robust view of financing requirements for presentation to banks and investors; &

Collaboration with a range of specialists to guide business critical decisions.

* all client names have been kept confidential.

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