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Supporting a private equity firm on the carve out of a distressed Manufacturing Co


Supporting a private equity firm on the carve out of a distressed Manufacturing Co

January 12, 2025

Recent changes in the cost of debt and post Brexit trading difficulties have led to a number of companies within the manufacturing industry falling into distress. This presents strong investment opportunities for skilled and well-resourced private equity groups with the capacity and capability to conduct insightful due diligence quickly. Tunneys can provide such investors with clear, flexible and robust financial modelling within the necessary time frame while sharing the risk with fully contingent arrangements, thereby fully aligning incentives with the investment team.

The Credential

Tunneys worked with a leading London private equity firm to perform rapid due diligence financial modelling and submit a winning bid for the carve out of a distressed company of a large European group. Following successful acceptance of the bid, Tunneys assisted with updating the financial model to support a leveraged buyout by securing the planned financing from various investors.

How We Helped

Prior to engaging Tunneys, PE-Co* had identified an opportunity to acquire a high potential UK manufacturing business from a European group that sought to divest and refocus resources. Tunneys were engaged to conduct due diligence, valuation and financial modelling for the LBO of the company in order to inform the bid.

Tunneys reviewed existing materials and modelling produced by the counter party big-4 advisors and then consolidated, organised and clarified it for the PE investor as a new updated financial model for the business and the planned LBO transaction. This allowed the PE investor to submit an informed bid that secured the acquisition at a sensible valuation and provided a clear robust plan for financing the acquisition and the operations of the business to facilitate the achieving of strong investor returns.

Value Delivered

Fully contingent deal support

Consolidated and professionalised data room information and materials;

Provided a fit for purpose LBO financial model for the carve-out;

Supported the post deal financing of the acquisition; &

Handed over the financial model to the CFO of the business for operational use.

* all client names have been kept confidential.

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